"Walking with Moms in Need: A Year of Service" is an exciting, parish-based initiative to assist pregnant mothers in need. Parishes are invited to inventory their parish and geographic location for resources, including pregnancy-related resources, for any mom who comes to the parish in need. This inventory helps a parish assess any gaps in resources for moms in the community, how the parish communicates about these resources, and how welcoming and approachable the parish is to moms in need.
Prayer & Worship Opportunities
Implement a parish prayer chain
Gather the parish for a dedicated monthly rosary or Adoration hour for Walking with Moms in Need intentions
Use the prayer guides available at https://www.walkingwithmoms.com/supplemental-tools
When a mom in need comes forth to your parish, first pray with the mom.
Volunteer & Leadership Opportunities
Implement Walking with Moms in Need at your parish! Utilize the Planning Guide below, and/or contact the Office of Life & Justice for getting started.
If your parish already has implemented Walking with Moms in Need, contact the Office of Life & Justice to be listed as a contact parish.
Pastoral Care Opportunities
Facilitate parish, school and group presentations on unplanned pregnancy and economic justice for moms in need
Assist with development of additional presentations on unplanned pregnancy and economic justice for moms in need
Serve as diocesan resource for questions from groups on the Church's teaching on unplanned pregnancy, abortion, mental health, and economic justice for moms in need
Fundraising & Promotion
Let your parish know you are a WWMIN parish using posters and promotional materials at https://www.walkingwithmoms.com/supplemental-tools
Upcoming Calendar Items
Check back soon!