The March for Life is an annual pro-life rally protesting abortion, held in Washington D.C. near the anniversary of the January 22, 1973 U.S. Supreme Court decision in the Roe v. Wade case which legalized abortion for any reason throughout all nine months of pregnancy.
From 2007-2020, the (former) Respect Life Office hosted an annual March for Life Pilgrimage to Washington DC in January. In addition to sharing many spiritual and personal memories with the thousands of pilgrims, parents, teachers, priests, religious and volunteers who made these trips such life-affirming events, the Office of Life & Justice also gained useful insight into the planning, collaboration and execution necessary for a successful pilgrimage.
Below are sample materials from past years that can be used to help you and your team plan your own trip. Included are templates, guidelines and on-line resources for promotion, pilgrim registration and payment, communication, fundraising, and leadership and volunteer activities.
If you or your group is interested in hosting a trip to Washington DC and have questions, if you would like modifiable copies of any of these materials, or if you would like to learn more about trips and related local activities that are being planned this year, please contact the Office of Life & Justice.
Prayer & Worship Opportunities
Utilize prayer resources available from Spiritual Adoption, Gabriel Project, Walking with Moms in Need, or 40 Days for Life
​Pray for the March for Life pilgrims. The Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph regularly hosts a prayer service in conjunction with the National Prayer Vigil for Life. Stay tuned to our e-newsletter for news on this event.
Offer a parish Adoration hour during the March for Life
Leadership & Volunteer Opportunities
Plan a March for Life trip for your parish or school using the planning guide in the Program Materials below
Volunteer as a chaperone for your parish or school March for Life trip
If you have attended the March for Life previously, volunteer to give a testimony for those planning to attend the March for Life
If you are unable to attend the March for Life in person, volunteer with another pastoral program such as Spiritual Adoption, Gabriel Project, Walking with Moms in Need, or 40 Days for Life.
Pastoral Care Opportunities
Facilitate parish, school, and group presentations on unplanned pregnancy and abortion
Assist with development of additional presentations on unplanned pregnancy and abortion
Serve as a diocesan resource for questions from groups on the Church's teaching on unplanned pregnancy, abortion, mental health, and economic justice for moms in need
Fundraising & Promotion
Share March for Life social media posts to inspire others and promote your parish or school's trip
Give directly at
Fundraising and promotional ideas can be found in the planning guide found in the Program Materials below
Upcoming Calendar Items
Please pray for pilgrims currently at the March for Life!
The Midwest March for Life is our regional opportunity to advocate, demonstrate, and lobby for respect for all life, especially the vulnerable pre-born of our state. The Midwest March for Life takes place annually each spring in Jefferson City, MO, around our state capitol. The Midwest March for Life features nationally recognized speakers and organization leaders as well as booths of statewide pro-life organizations, educational opportunities, a youth rally, and spiritual formation opportunities. The Office of Life & Justice organizes a bus trip to the Midwest March for Life.
Prayer & Worship Opportunities
If you attend the Midwest March for Life with our diocesan bus, we will engage in prayerful activities such as Liturgy of the Hours, the Rosary, and, as available, Holy Mass.
Leadership & Volunteer Opportunities
Join the planning committee for the Midwest March for Life trip from the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph. Contact us to get involved.
Organize a group from your school or parish to join the diocesan bus trip to the Midwest March for Life; organize your group's logistical information for us (registrations, payments, etc.).
Pastoral Care Opportunities
Facilitate parish, school, and group presentations on unplanned pregnancy and abortion
Assist with development of additional presentations on unplanned pregnancy and abortion
Serve as a diocesan resource for questions from groups on the Church's teaching on unplanned pregnancy, abortion, mental health, and economic justice for moms in need
Fundraising & Promotion
Please prayerfully consider making a donation for the Midwest March for Life trip. This will be used for travel expenses and scholarships for those who would like to attend but may be otherwise financially unable to do so. You may donate online or by sending a check made payable to:
Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph
Office of Life & Justice
20 West Ninth Street
Kansas City, MO 64105
Please note "Midwest March for Life" on the memo line of your check. Thank you!
Upcoming Calendar Items
Register NOW for our 2025 trip! See registration below!