40 Days for Life is an international 40-day campaign that aims to end abortion through prayer, fasting, community outreach, and peaceful all-day vigil in front of abortion businesses.
Prayer & Worship Opportunities
Sign up for a vigil hour at https://www.40daysforlife.com/en/overlandpark
Leadership & Volunteer Opportunities
Sign up your parish for a 40 Days for Life vigil day. Visit https://www.40daysforlife.com/en/overlandpark and contact Annie Fowler at 816-726-4659 to learn more.
Pastoral Care Opportunities
Facilitate parish, school and group presentations on unplanned pregnancy and abortion
Assist with development of additional presentations on unplanned pregnancy and abortion
Serve as diocesan resource for questions from groups on the Church's teaching on unplanned pregnancy, abortion, mental health, and economic justice for moms in need
Fundraising & Promotion
Download flyers and other resources for promoting 40 Days for Life at https://www.40daysforlife.com/en/overlandpark
Upcoming Calendar Items
Stay tuned!